Notes following AGM 2016

The AGM was held and various decisions were taken regarding the future of the Society.

Basically the Florist types are now almost sadly extinct.

As far as we are aware only one grower in the British Isles has any stock and is unable to supply to members who have lost theirs.

In the light of above is was decided that the Society would in future hold shows with only one class for these types and scheduled it as any ONE bloom of florist show, fancy, or exhibition viola.To be displayed with paper collar.

(Wildegoose Nurseries-see suppliers page, sometimes have one named Exhibition Viola for sale.

The Society is trying to find a garden centre venue to hold the 2017 show and will inform members, these are people who have paid for the 2014 year, the subscription has been extended to the 2015 and current year due to being unable to offer an annual show.

This website will now concentrate on information about the perennial violas and pansies , as outlined above , easily obtained from the suppliers shown.

One huge advantage to this path forward is the might of the horticultural industry who produce millions of plants each year and develop new strains which has not been possible regarding florist types for some considerable time.

It is proposed to reprint the show schedule to have classes for pots rather than boards or vases as people do not seem these days to have the time to make show boards and prepare blooms as before.

The attachment shows just four plants purchased , from one of our suppliers in March, which would grace any show as a display of what can be achieved with just a few minutes of gardening in the spring.This would be the display in June of any year and continue if dead headed for months.

These plants were obtained in 2008 and are still alive today.

Cuttings have been taken in the years since this date.

If any viewers wish for advice etc they can contact me on this site, and I will do my best to find the answers.

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 13,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

2016 AGM

The date for the NVPS for 2016 is Sunday 1st May- to be held at the Wildegoose Nursery 2015 Chelsea Award winners .

Details of The Wildegoose Nursery with their named perennial violas, available by mail order are on the “Suppliers of Plants” page on this website

Following the AGM, with free refreshments, members can visit the wonderful display, and purchase violas .

Owners Jack and Laura featured on a recent Gardeners World programme .

Members will be forwarded the proposed agenda and full details in the winter Society newsletter .

The attachments are of some cuttings, and fallen pear tree leaves.

I have not removed the leaves, and the reasons are given in an article for the Society’s Winter Newsletter, which should be ready in a few weeks time .

update on Society news

Hopefully we should have some positive news regarding next years show venue very soon to share with you all,we are however looking for current members who are wiling to help with running the Society.

Any member who might be able to help please contact our Secretary.

Not a pansy, viola as we know them

Have very little to share on the viola front.I hope aficionados do not mind too much.

I can see these “checkerboard” from sitting at the computer through the front windows ,

Here in Oxford drought conditions have decimated the plants.

I refuse to keep watering and have decided to just grow seed from the best ones each year, to me much more satisfying and hopefully much cleaner disease free plants along with hybrid vigour.

National Viola and Pansy Website

Some Exhibition Violas.

The upper blooms are all established cultivars the two below are brand new seedlings.

The yellow is going to be named Helen D as one of the parents was Helen Cochrane the pure white above it .

The white,picotee, next to it is going be named Lesley P as one of its parents again in the group above is Lesley Keay.

National Pansy and Viola Website

A picture of a perennial viola. This is just one plant in a five inch pot, now in its third full season. The pot is sunk into the soil which means once established(roots go into soil below pot through drainage holes) it will not dry out and can be left without fear.

This plant all being well will continue to flower for years to come.